Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Color Me Fall

No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace
as I have seen in one autumnal face.
(Quote by John Donne)

The winds will blow their own freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop away from you
like the leaves of Autumn.

(Fall poem by John Muir)

(Photos taken: Montgomery County, MD, Fall of 2007, Kodak Z650)


  1. hi kayni.. those autumn leaves reminded me of the ones missing from my blog template. :)

    breathtaking pictures!

  2. thanks angeli, i keep thinking why the leaves aren't showing on your blog template. they probably fell already =).

  3. The photos seem to be talking to me. I love, love the colors in the second one. =)

  4. witsandnuts, i was actually surprised the colors on the second one came out okay. glad they're talking to you =).

  5. wow, beautiful!!!
    what a display of colors. i've read somewhere that autumn is the most photogenic of all seasons. i can see why. :)

  6. ms firefly, yes, it is indeed a beautiful season of colors.

  7. Very beautiful pictures indeed! Can you send me an Autumn leaf, sis? hehe

  8. Fall is always the best part of the year, you just have to put up with raking those mounds of leaves.
    Wish these can be recycled to fuel, hehe...such as waste.


  9. hello cheryle, we're now ranging between 60s and 70s and it's quite chilly in the evenings. i love the coolness that fall brings too.

  10. TB, i agree. it is my favorite time of the year including spring. i'm glad i don't have to rake fallen leaves...lol. it's a good workout though.

  11. Although Philippines doesn't have an autumn season I really love the warm colors that this season brings. Lovely photos kayni.

  12. Layrayski, Thank you. Autumn is quite a season of color. The Philippines is quite rich with colorful, great people though.
