Sunday, September 28, 2008

Travel: Pisa Album

I studied in Rome during my junior year in college. Rome is the perfect place to study ancient and art history. For a History major like me, it is the p-e-r-f-e-c-t place to study. Nothing beats having the city as your classroom, as a few of my class lectures took place on-site - the Roman Forum ruins, the Colosseum, and museums including the Vatican Museum. During my stay there, the weekends and holidays were spent exploring Italy and other countries in Europe. I will be sharing my photos in some of my entries, and I hope you'd look forward to them. My travel entries won't be about specifics, but about my personal experiences.

From Rome's Termini station, I took the train bound to Siena. Siena was actually the final destination, but since Pisa was on the way, I thought this was my chance to see the famous La Torre di Pisa (Tower of Pisa). Pisa is one of the places I've dreamt of seeing since I was a kid. The train was full and since I didn't reserve my seat, I had no choice but to stand until I get to Pisa (a four-hour trip). An Italian guy almost fell off the train because people were pushing and shoving. Anyway, one guy grabbed his shirt that was almost ripped open. I could still hear his buttons popping. I couldn't stop laughing after that. No worries, that Italian guy had a great sense of humor.

As you enter Piazza del Duomo (Cathedral Square), you'll be greeted by this awe-inspiring sight. It just hits you right on the face.

I don't think I have the right words to describe what I felt that day.
So, there it was - truly leaning.

I only stayed in Pisa for about three hours, then hopped on to my train to Siena. Seeing the Leaning Tower of Pisa was short and time limited, but the happiness and experience of fulfilling my dream will stay with me forever.


  1. Cool. Would love to go to Italy one of these days. I should since I have a relative there I can visit. You must've studied Italian before you went there. The only Italian I know I learned from The Godfather. hehe. Btw, how did you go from being a History major to working on energy policy?

  2. Wil, Yes, I love Italy, and I think you'd have a great time there. I took Italian classes before and while studying there.

    As for my work, I sort of fell into the energy policy industry. Being a History major, I have a lot of research analysis and writing training, and those are the skills I'm using a lot these days. Capisci? =)

  3. When will that "tower" collapse? I
    cringe when I see it's "sorry state" all the time. Cheers!

  4. TB, I have to give it to that bell tower; it's been leaning for a long time. I thought that since the building started to give way since the early phases of construction, why did they continue building it? Fascinating!

  5. That leaning tower is amazing! Italy is one of my dream destinations. I have relatives in Milan and Enna, so let's see if the wind will lead me there in the future.

    I can imagine how you thorougly enjoyed your college days there. I'm looking forward to your travel-related blogs. Hope you won't link the pix to flickr (it's blocked in this country), lol.

    Have a great week ahead!

  6. nice little blog you have here

  7. beautiful!!! i've never been to italy, so i'm truly looking forward to your travel posts. :D

  8. Looking forward to more of your stories kayni! Gosh it must've been great being in the actual location of your studies. It was a happy ending to your dream of seeing the tower of pisa wasn't it? Do you know that the first time I've ever come across the building was by reading the Archie's comics? anyway... yeah, i enjoyed this. =)

  9. Italy is truly a beautiful place. I don't know which part I love most.. and oh not to mention the food and wine.. yummy :)

  10. Cheryle, You never know, wishes to come true. Thanks for coming by.

    Wits, I highly recommend Italy. Yes, college was fun in Rome - night life is quite colorful even to me who's not a nocturnal

    Peter, Thank you for the visit.

    Ms. Firefly, I'm glad you like the photos. I'll be posting more photos in the future.

    Layrayski, I couldn't believe I was at Pisa at that time. It was like a dream. First time I read about Pisa was from my Grandfather's collection of encyclopedia. I made sure I bookmarked the page.

  11. Hi Toni, Oh the wine and the food are sure winners. My favorite still is Venice. I'd love to go back there again.

  12. Wow, you studied there! What a thrill it must have been.

    I wish to visit there day :)

  13. Angeli, I speak a little Italian =). I need more practice though since I don't use it too often these days.

    Josiet, It was a wonderful experience for me. Do visit Italy when you have the chance.

  14. Hey, Rome is one of my dream destinations. I can just imagine your feeling of being right in your historic place of study. Awesome!

    Yeah, I heard the tower is on the verge of collapsing. Will that happen soon, you think?

  15. Layad, I'll be posting photos of Rome soon. Watch out for them. I'm not too sure when that tower will fall. If that happens, I'll be sad.

  16. I hope to visit that place soon, and France too, my dream destinations!

  17. wow! wow! wow! quick, sis!! more entries and pictures for us who have yet to see Italy!

    Thanks for sharing them...

    i've been reading a lot of documentary novels about Rome and the Caesars lately and the last one I read was about Nero's reign and the burning of Rome in AD 64. It would be very interesting to see the ruins of the colosseum still standing knowing that it's been there since the first century.

    so here's one who's really looking forward to the pixes and the narratives. :) GBU sis!

  18. Sheng, I do wish to visit France too =).

    Sis, Yes, I'll be doing an entry on the Colosseum. Watch for it.

  19. The first time I went to Pisa was in the 80s with the family. I remember climbing the winding steps and trying not to lose my balance. The second time in 2001, I was much older and with my sister. The Tower was closed for renovation so we weren't able to go inside. It seemed 'smaller' but a lot cleaner that before.

    I find it so fascinating that you were able to study in Rome! :)

  20. daphne, i never thought i'd ever study in Rome as well. it was a wonderful opportunity.

  21. Inggit ako! I wish I could have gone to Pisa. It's on my must-go-to places list. And seeing your pics made me want to jump on the next plane to Italy! Well, there's always next time!

  22. wow, love your pisa pics kayni! the hubby and i were debating whether to go there or not, but decided against it. sad. venice was my fave too; loved the gelato and all the churches ;-)

    hey, what exactly is your focus regarding energy policy? just curious ;-)

  23. caryn, my firm deals with numerous policies, and i can't discuss them here. i'm so sorry.
