Thursday, February 19, 2009

Missing The Simple Life

Today, I am so disappointed because we had to cancel our lunch at DC Coast. My other two foodie buddies couldn't make our reservation. This is the hard part when work gets in the way of fun; I do miss the times when life was easier and simpler. These days, even the simple task of scheduling a lunch or dinner can be complicated. My friends and I have to check our calendars all the time and try to insert a lunch or dinner in between the days filled with meetings, conference calls, and business trips. Anyway, since DC Coast couldn't accommodate the time we were available, we canceled and made reservations at Old Ebbitt Grill instead. Old Ebbitt Grill is very close to where I work and according to DC experts, it was a favorite of Presidents Grant, Cleveland, Harding and Theodore Roosevelt. I do know that it is still a meeting place for political insiders, journalists, and some celebrities. But, all I'm hoping for is that we'll all be able to meet and chat at lunch tomorrow.


  1. how i do miss the times when you call all your friends for dinner at andyan sila lahat. ganun lang kadali. of course, we all have our responsibilities, so it's not that easy anymore.

    have a great weekend kayni! :)

  2. oh that's too bad,i guess frustrated when things like that happens, but that's life... we are not free as what we used to be. i was already looking forward to the next post and was wondering what culinary highlights you are going to show us.

  3. Life is like that, I guess. Do you know what immediately came to me, Kayni? Having all the time in the world means being unemployed. Hehe I guess when you get successful (and busy) time becomes scarce. You have the money but its the time to enjoy your money that becomes the problem.

    My problem right now is the opposite. Hehe

  4. It's sad, isn't it? Even surprises have to be planned. It doesn't really make a surprise anymore, but you'll have to confirm whether the person's free or not! No more spur of the moment dates with friends too.

  5. I guess simple life only exists during our youth and when we are old. In between, life is filled with work and responsibilities :)

  6. I miss my friends now, some of them are busy with their own lives already and we just could not fit in some dinners at such an unpredictable time.

  7. a door closes but a window opens. at least you have an alternative! And it looks like the alternative is as good as the one you couldn't go, perhaps even better.. who knows? :-)
