Friday, June 25, 2010

A Cat In Waiting

Do you see that cat? He seems to be waiting for "something." When I took this photo, I thought he was waiting for the couple, who's playfully looking at him, to pass through so he can get to where he's going, but he stayed in that position for a good amount of time.

Do you sometimes feel like you're waiting for something but you don't know what? Or sometimes, you're waiting for someone or some event that would make you smile to get through a tough day, a hint of hope when you're desperate, a dash of pouring rain to ease the hot temperatures and humidity, a breathe of fresh air when you're stuffed like sardines in a crowded train, a dollar because you're a dollar short to ride the train home, a call for interview when you're looking for a job, or simply - a break from a rut.

Well, I am waiting and it feels like forever. The problem is, I can't patiently sit still like that cat in waiting.


I'm so glad it's finally Friday!


  1. Now that you mention it, I think that subconsciously we are all waiting for something.

    Enjoy the weekend. Any gimmick?

  2. @ Photo Cache, The gimmick would be painting the walls of my home office...not really exciting. Have a great weekend!

  3. I'm waiting for my hubby to come home. And that's still two months away. :(

    I'm trying not to think too much about it though, it's just gonna make me sad.

    I hope whoever or whatever it is you're waiting for will arrive soon. :)

  4. yeah right...been waiting for something I don't know career-wise speaking.God bless kayni! :)

  5. curious cat in waiting heheh. Good day! :)

  6. i remember he first scene in Harry Potter [the first book], where prof mcgonagal, transfigured as a cat, was "waiting" for dumbledore.

    As foe me, i think i love waiting, especially when waiting for a trip or holiday to come. the anticipation is one of the exciting part of waiting. i'm patient in that sense. :)

  7. i sometimes feel that way too. i can be impatient at times but i try to be reasonable all the time. most of the time i just try to pscyh myself on why it is okay to wait.

    good luck! i hope that whatever it is you are waiting for happen soon.

    have a great week!!!!

    p.s. thank you for the award!!!! i will try my best to answer it ASAP. :)

  8. Cute photo, and a great message, too.

    Thanks for following me! I am following you back, and I am looking forward to seeing more from you.

  9. This made me think that I am too is waiting for something and I need the patience that that cat has.

    Love this post kayni!

    Have a great week.

  10. good luck and i hope that whatever it is you are waiting for happen soon.

    have a happy week kayni!

  11. hi, im new here. landed here from wits and nuts blog. well i am waiting for people to read my blog, up to now i dont feel that there are people actually reading my blog. hay...

  12. Very creative post Kayni. I used to feel like I was waiting for something to happen all the time. I have recently had a lifestyle change and find myself yearning for something to happen.

    Have a great day!
