Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy at 54

I went to my bimonthly check-up today, so I was three hours late showing up for work. As usual, the needles, the blood, and the checking of lymph nodes were routinely done. After about five minutes, my results came in. The platelets are up at 54. To someone who's been dealing with Thrombocytopenia and whose last platelet count was at 35, I was so happy they're currently at 54. I actually didn't know what caused them to go up, but for the past few weeks, I've been eating more fruits and vegetables. So, I'll definitely try to increase more my fruit and vegetable intake. My next goal is to get my platelet count at a normal level of 150.


  1. I googled "thrombocytopenia". Lol. Seriously, I'm glad to know the verdict. Eat more healthy stuff and let's pray that the results will get better. =)

  2. I am also awar of the platelet thing because of my mother. All I know is that her platelet count must always be up for her to take chemo. :)

    I hope what you have is not serious (like wits, I also googled it up). I'm hoping for good health for you kayni! :)

    Have a great week!

  3. I'm happy you're 54 too! Sounds like a dangerous condition to be having, kayni. Being careful about any injury and all. Yeah, continue on the healthy stuff and pray it'll get to the normal levels soon!

  4. I just wish you have a good health and be strong in everything you go through. Thanks for the friendship kayni.

  5. Wits, Thank you. I'm praying things will get better.

    Kg, You're so welcome. Well, I'm being monitored by good doctors at the moment, so I feel that I'm in good hands.

    Layrayski, Yes, I have to be extra careful wherever I am. Thanks.

    Angeli, Me too =).

    Sheng, Thank you so much.

  6. for someone who has never really bothered about these things (i have no idea what my platelet count is), it always jolts me when i hear somebody worrying about his/her health issues (and start worrying about my own). at any rate, i hope things go well for you. good luck!

  7. That's an improvement. I'm happy for you. Hope it'll continue to go up.

    Have fun eating lots of veggies and fruits! :)

  8. hi kayni! that's good news. my mom-in-law diets on veggies,fruits, fish and beef. she's already 68 but she's really healthy. though i gained weight (because i only eat half cup of rice in P.I. and now 3 cups a day), i feel clean and really healthy since i came here. no greasy food and just meat once in a while... keep on eating healthy...
