Sunday, November 28, 2010

Glad To Be Home

After two weeks of travel, I am glad to be home. I've enjoyed immensely my trips to Italy, Croatia, Turkey, and Greece, but now, it's time to get back to the daily grind. It was still fall like when I left, now the trees are bare and winter is starting to settle in the area.

I'm still suffering from jet lag, and my to do list is long: there's loads of laundry to be done, groceries to be picked up, and bills to be paid. I can't wait to share my vacation photos with you, but first things first. I am glad to be home and I would like to thank everyone who visited my blog while I was away; I can't wait to visit yours.


  1. welcome home kayni....welcome back to reality. he he!

  2. hi Kayni!
    weather here is the same.. almost winter...
    it started snowing yesterday already..
    i just hope things will get better b/w the 2 koreas. it would be more difficult for me to go out should something happen while alex is at work...
    looking forward to see your vacation photos here..

  3. Welcome back Kayni. Looking forward to your vacay pix :)

  4. Welcome home Kayni. :) Take your much needed rest. I'll be looking forward to see your cruise photos! :)

  5. nice to be home!
    no place like it after all...

    anyway I have an invitation..
    Dear Fellow Filipino Bloggers,
    I am delighter to inform you that there is a site that caters and would maybe in a way generate traffics for our blog.
    The main purpose of the site is to promote Filipino culture to the world, through blogging. They host blogging too but they also encourage people if that if you have a post in your own blog just post a link.
    Everything is free; yes it is FREE you can post as many blogs as you can. There is also a chat for the bloggers to talk and a discussion place where you can post a question you might want to have clarity with.
    The only requirement is that you should be a blogger and be a member.
    You don’t have to post a banner of the site in your blog either.
    Join now and learn more..
    Oh did I mention that the site is new, it was in the www last September. So you might be the first among your blogger friends to be a member. Grab the chance of being an early bird.
    Here is the site:

    Thanks a lot,
    Ellah Sun
    (co-founder of the site)

    *** I am a very new webmaster I did not earn any degree on it and maybe my knowledge on managing a site is just 3 percent but I am learning. If you have a suggestion please do not hesitate to contact me on my email. Thanks a lot.

  6. wow, multi-country tour! can't wait to see your travel photos soon. :)

  7. Welcome back. I feel the same way din if Im from a vacation. Parang ayaw ko na bumalik sa work hehehe.

    YOur photos are stunning Kayni. Thanks for sharing.

  8. akala ko na "home" eh andito ka sa pinas hehe :D welcome baaack. kaso lang back to reality na. hihihi ;P
