Monday, April 11, 2011

Part 2: DC's 2011 Cherry Blossom Festival

I was asked by Kg if all the Cherry Trees at the Tidal Basin are white, usually these Yoshino Trees produce white flowers at full peak, then gradually turns pale pink as they wither and fall. But, there are Cherry Trees, which I'll show at a later post, that produce dark pink flowers the whole two-week blooming season.

REMINDER to those who want to join my Cherry Blossom Festival Giveaway, click here for mechanics. DEADLINE for entries: April 21, 2011.

Here are a few more photos I took at the Tidal Basin:

In the cherry blossom's shade
there's no such thing
as a stranger. (Kobayashi Issa)


  1. In the fall, wouldn't the leaves be really colorful too? Why haven't we seen autumn shots of these showy trees? Just wondering!

  2. @ Photo Cache, Yes, they are colorful in the fall too. I usually don't venture to the Tidal Basin during the fall for two reasons: 1) i like the fall foliage at the skyline ridge and 2.)

  3. Your photos are stunning and the place is absolutely gorgeous.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. kaynie, your pics are making me drool! i want to see cherry blossoms before i die!

  6. Wow... pretty pretty. The pics made my morning :D

  7. lovely photos! those trees looks mysterious.
    I want to see them someday! :D

  8. lovely photos! I like the calming effect it brought in me;)
