On this instance, underneath the table. There you can see just her front paws sticking out of the table cloth. Even the most delicious smell of barbecue couldn't coax her out of her hiding place.

I lifted the table cover and took this photo of her. She gave me this tired, sad face. I really think she was annoyed I was taking photos of her most embarrassing moment. I was laughing when I took this photo.

This is how she spent the rest of New Year's Eve. I made sure she was calm the rest of the night, and I think she did understood the fireworks were just for one night.

This is Basset when she's calm and composed , and she's giving me the "what you doing" look.
Basset is a mixed Hungarian Vizsla, and she's now 7 years old. Basset's Mom, Snappy, was found by my Dad at an old sugar cane plantation in Ewa Beach. She was still a puppy at that time. My Dad was surprised to find a lone puppy wandering the area, and he decided to take her home. My parents wanted to take her to the animal shelter as it was expensive to keep a dog, but I insisted we keep her. I actually hid Snappy and didn't let her out of my sight. I think that, that was one of the best decisions we made. Snappy gave us unending friendship and loyalty. She gave me the time of my life.
A careless accident took Snappy away from us in 2000.
But great dogs like her are never forgotten.

Basset is a mixed Hungarian Vizsla, and she's now 7 years old. Basset's Mom, Snappy, was found by my Dad at an old sugar cane plantation in Ewa Beach. She was still a puppy at that time. My Dad was surprised to find a lone puppy wandering the area, and he decided to take her home. My parents wanted to take her to the animal shelter as it was expensive to keep a dog, but I insisted we keep her. I actually hid Snappy and didn't let her out of my sight. I think that, that was one of the best decisions we made. Snappy gave us unending friendship and loyalty. She gave me the time of my life.
A careless accident took Snappy away from us in 2000.
But great dogs like her are never forgotten.