This huge fortress, begun in 1634 and reengineered in the 1770's, is one of the largest ever built in the America's by Spain. Its walls rise more than 150 feet above the sea - a marvel military engineering. San Cristobal protected San Juan against attackers coming by land as a partner to El Morro (post coming soon about El Morro), to which it is linked by a half-mile of monumental walls and bastions filled with cannon-firing positions. A complex system of tunnels and dry moats connects the center of San Cristobal to its "outworks," defensive elements arranged layer after layer over 27-acre site. (John Marino, Frommer's Puerto Rico, 160)
A part of history merges with the everyday life
Fort San Cristobal
A former strategic battle fortress, now a historical monument
Entrance to San Cristobal
Peeking into history
The Puerto Rican flag (middle)
If you're a watch soldier now, this is your view inside from one of the bunkers
Another view from the same bunker (above)
Walls that have witnessed war, history and time

San Cristobal peeking into Old San Juan
Leaving San Cristobal
A tunnel of tunnels
A cannon used to be here

San Cristobal peeking into Old San Juan
Leaving San Cristobal
Fort San Cristobal is a historian's delight. Experiencing and walking through history is one way to spend the warm, balmy afternoons in Old San Juan. Believe me, it's worth the sweat and achy feet.
In 1898 the first shots of the Spanish-American War in Puerto Rico were fired by cannons on top of San Cristobal during an artillery duel with a U.S. Navy fleet. (Marino, 160)