Thursday, July 1, 2010

Garden Update

Leaving work early yesterday was fun. I miss those days when I had more time outside of work, but these days, it's just impossible. When I got home, I took my camera to take photos of my corner vegetable garden. I was so happy to see that the tomatoes are really thriving. The squash, thai pepper, bell pepper and basil are growing well too.

 my simple pleasure - never fails to make me smile every morning

 and i sing tomatoes

 and more tomatoes...

 a closer encounter of the tomato kind

 these are the stars of my garden.


my assistant gardener, angel, perched on the fence overlooking my garden
she never catches the culprit who's eating my strawberries

A wonderful Thursday to all and I am looking forward to a three-day weekend!


This is why I love Fridays!


  1. It all looks delicious! You're going to have to eat tomatoes like crazy when they all start ripening.

  2. what a lovely garden. I would like to have my own garden ang grow my own veggies. Fresh and yummy :)

    Happy Weekend Kayni!

  3. Kayni,

    You're garden looks awesome! I'm so jealous. ha!

    I Would love to have those tomatoes and that basil in mine right now! Everything has burned up with the heat this year. :(


  4. Blessed are those who keep the world green, even in little ways =)

  5. those tomatas are big...and they look so crunchy. sarap kagatin! he he!

    nice thing you have a garden kayni. spending time there can take away the stress. :)

  6. Your garden looks great, good job!

    I'm a new follower :)


  7. Wow, you sure got a pretty green thumb Kayni. :) Hope your garden continues to thrive.

    Have an awesome weekend! :)

  8. Nice garden you have there! The tomatoes look really healthy =)

  9. Wow, I've never seen so green tomatoes such as those. I bet, super juicy sya. Yay for your hardwork Kayni. Lovely garden. :)

  10. I agree, your tomatoes are very healthy! Very luck you to have that kind of space and outlet.

  11. beautiful, you have really the green hand or green thumb they say right? as i was going around the page, i was waiting to see the picture of the garderner cat ;) nice to see him again

    now you're next problem is what to do with all the harvest?

    that's my problem with all my berries..and rhubarb..i've made so much jam but still so much fruit left
