Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ireland: Kylemore Abbey

Kylemore is home to a community of nuns of the Benedictine Order who came here in 1920 after their abbey in Ypres, Belgium was destroyed in World War I. Settling at Kylemore, the Benedictine Community opened a world renowned boarding school for girls and began restoring the Abbey, Gothic Church and Victorian Walled Garden to their former glory. (Source HERE.)

The Connemara Region is vast and there's just so many things to see and experience. We thought a day should be suffice to explore the area, but we had to constantly readjust our schedule and itinerary. It is doable in a day, but I'd suggest two days at least.

Our first stop for the day was the picturesque Kylemore Abbey.

Who wouldn't fall-in-love with this view? I did.

Kylemore Abbey between a mountain and Pollacapall Lough.

Gothic Church

Victorian Walled Garden

Azaleas in full bloom.

Does anyone know the name of this flower?

The weather was clear when we arrived at Kylemore Abbey, but by the time we were leaving, raindrops poured and the clouds came down to kiss the mountain.


  1. All I could say is WOW! Such a beautiful place.

  2. How wonderful and the abbey is awesome. I seem to hear that Connemara is famous for its marble and I know that they make marble jewelries too. Did you get a souvenir marble item?

    1. Yes, the Connemara marble. I did not get any souvenir, but we did visit a marble quarry.

  3. Those photos are breathtaking!!!! Keep sharing those nice pics of the world the way you see it. :)

  4. like straight right out from a book or tv series. ^0^
    yes, Breathtaking seems to be the right word,
    It left me wanting more. ^-^
    just curious, did you visit the abbey's interior as well?

    1. Yes, we visited the interior as well, but I was more drawn to the outside. It's a great place for walking.

  5. Beautiful view and landmark! Yes, I do fall in love immediately with the scenery - it must be stunning to witness it yourself :) Great images!

  6. mountains, gothic churches or old relic brings different feeling it's like bringing you to the old times, and mountains really gives you a warm break free feeling. :)
