Sunday, January 14, 2018

My Fourth Rebirthday

I'm still pretty sick, but this sniffle is not stopping me from celebrating my Fourth Rebirthday ~ January 11, 2018. I saw my transplant doctor, Dr. D, on the 12th, and I am quite happy that my tests all came back normal. The doctor was a little concerned about my cold, so if things get worse, she instructed me to go see my primary care physician at once. I told her that I get colds/sinusitis three to four times a year, and she explained that my immune system will always be a tad weaker or slower. I guess this is my new normal and just have to learn to accept it. With my annual check-up out of the way, I'm going to focus on Kepi's surgery which will take place in two weeks.

The new year won't be exciting without a new 2018 monthly planner. I'm also starting this 100 Days of Gratefulness: A gratitude journal. I can't wait to fill these two with new ideas and adventures.

For 2018, I don't really have any resolutions, but here's a few things on my list that I plan to do and keep doing:
  1. read more books
  2. organize the craft room
  3. purge my closet and donate any clothes/shoes that don't fit anymore
  4. continue learning Arabic
  5. continue to eat healthy (pack my food for work)


  1. Happy re-birthday. So happy to hear your tests were normal. I am amazed that you're learning Arabic. We had to learn it way back when we were at school (for political reasons because our government had very close ties to Gaddafi back then) and I hated it with a fierce passion.

    1. Thank you, Loree. I'm learning Arabic because it's good for my resume. It seems that the job market here, especially international affairs related jobs, are looking for people with the Arabic language knowledge. I'm learning on my own, so my progress is very slow.

  2. Hello Kayni, happy 4th! Happy for you. :) Here's to many, many more! An oh, your learning Arabic is interesting. And me too, I really want to read more books! :)

    1. Hi iamarglene, Thank you. Yes, let's read more books this year. I've missed you.

    2. Missed you too, Kayni. I've been quite in hiatus mode since I don't know when. But I'm glad I'm getting around to getting back now. :)

  3. Happy rebirth. I'm happy to learn that everything is normal and you're "normal". So happy for you!

    Sending thought and positive vibes to Kepi and hope that by spring, you both are only worried about where to go next and nothing else.

    1. Thank you. How was Ireland?

      I'm praying that after Kepi's surgery, we will get a break from all these health issues for a while. Keeping our hopes up, no matter what.

  4. Happy 4th rebirthday, Kayni! Many happy returns! :)
