Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Magicians and High School Friends

Last week was awesome!

Kepi and I went to see "The Illusionists: Magic of the Holidays" at the National Theatre. This is my second birthday gift for him. The show was entertaining, mind boggling, jaw dropping, lots of laughter and sometimes squirming because some of the stunts involved a live Scorpion inside the mouth and another was buried alive under a ton of gravel (I think this was a version of the Houdini escape). Overall, Kepi and I had a blast. I was also chosen to take part in one of the card tricks.

The stage before the show.

That's me in a green sweater enjoying my five minutes of fame. I was picked to assist/observe Steve Valentine's card trick. I still can't figure out how I picked the same card over and over, or how the card went inside the TicTac container.
I get to keep the main card used in the trick initialed by Steve Valentine (SV). Very cool!

In my last post, I wrote about hosting Christmas lunch with my high school classmates. It went fabulous! We had a lot of laughter and so much stories to go around. We were also able to video call two of our classmates who are living in New York and in Arkansas, so the house was super noisy and loud with excitement and giggles. For a few hours, we were transported back to our carefree high school days.

I decided to just have it catered, and I'm happy I did because the pork lechon was really good.

Beautiful dessert tray comprised of sticky rice, cassava cake, and assortment of rice cakes. These pastries/cakes are usually served on Christmas and other special occasions in the Philippines.

A feast on our dining table.
A table full of friends, sharing a chat over food and coffee. 

A photo by the fireplace.

And after the party subsided and everyone went home, I took upon myself to finish up wrapping these presents I bought for my parents and brother. These beauties will be mailed to Hawaii so I wish them well in their long journey. One of my favorites this Christmas season is wrapping presents and writing Christmas cards.


  1. Merry Christmas. I have not been invited on stage in any show, but of course that's because I try to hide all the time. What a good experience that must have been. And get together with old friends are such a gift especially during this season.

    1. When they asked me to come up the stage, I was hesitant but Kepi said you should go or else you'll miss out on all the fun. Reunion with my high school classmate was so much fun. I'm hoping to do it every year.
