It's a really cold evening here, and I am so glad to be at home on a Friday night and not working late. You might find it funny, but you might get a kick on how I look like while I'm typing this entry. I am wearing my thick blue socks, night robe, warm flannel pajamas, and drinking a big mug of tea. I feel really bulky but absolutely warm. I can't believe it feels more winter than autumn. Sigh, I guess I'll just suck it up and take it.
As promised, here are some photos I took during my trip to the Shenandoah National Park and the Luray Caverns. I also found out that it's time to replace my old camera as it was giving me a hard time during the trip. Also, there were so many shots I took that didn't come out clear; I am so disappointed. I was constantly readjusting the settings, which was awfully annoying. Hopefully, I'll be able to set aside some funds to buy a new camera specially with the Christmas sales coming soon. It's certainly that time of the year.
These wild flowers were growing everywhere. They reminded me of Bird's of Paradise, but I don't think they are.
Fall is just beginning out here
I was surprised the mountains further were blue. I didn't do any photo enhancement on these photos, and I thought it was amazing.
I like how this lone tree stands in color on its own.
The Reflecting Pool, Luray Caverns.
I felt like a dwarf.
All shapes and sizes appear everywhere and anywhere.
A world on its own.
Surrounded by giants.
The stalacpipe organ that plays really soothing sounds echoing through the caverns. I heard a lot of weddings take place here.
Info on the stalacpipe organ.
The road coming home.
I didn't want to leave, but I'll certainly visit again.