Tuesday, May 29, 2012

As Summer Approaches

How ironic that spring with all its color and splendor brought me sadness and gloom.

Losing my cousin and brother is extremely painful.  There is no superlative to describe or even express how painful it is to lose a love one.  I lack and am completely unequipped to describe this pain in words.

I've always known that life is too short, but the death of my cousin at 33 proved this statement truer in every sense.  We really should try to be more patient, understanding and loving to the people around us.  Most of all, to make sure that we tell them how much we love them every chance we can.  As my uncle have stated during my cousin's interment, "life is bigger than death" and that we should all keep moving forward and live.

Here, it's late spring and summer is just around the corner.  So many things happened since I took a hiatus from blogging:
  1. I got all As for my Spring semester classes.  I struggled to finish my final papers because of my cousin's death, but I'm glad I was still able to pull through and finish them on time. Next semester, I'll be tackling: Gandhi's India and Global Bioethics. I think these two subjects sound a little bit too serious. Too bad the class I wanted is already full.
  2. I made my 46th sale at my Etsy Shop.  Please visit if you have the time. I have added more items, and I have to say that I'm enjoying the work in keeping my shop open.
  3. My sixth month follow-up appointment at NIH for my Aplastic Anemia showed that my blood counts are improving.  My platelets are still lagging though.
  4. Iceland vacation was wonderful and would love to go back again. I can't wait to share some photos soon.
  5. I've started planning for our two-week vacation in December.
  6. The backyard vegetable garden is ready.  We planted Eggplants, Okras, Tomatoes and Green Beans. On the side, I also potted a Cilantro.  The front garden is planted with Marigolds and Lantana. I wanted the Lantana because it reminds me of Baguio.
This is all my update for today. I've missed you all, I've missed visiting your blogs, and I've missed your visits. I hope to get this blog back on track during the summer.


  1. I would love to visit Iceland - can't wait for your photos. I like the lantana too. We have some in our back yard. It is a golden yellow.

    1. The Lantana I planted is young, so I'm excited to see what colors that flowers will be. I highly recommend Iceland, it's a fascinating country to visit.

  2. Welcome back! I cannot wait for your photos and stories about Iceland.

    BTW, could you give me the link to your personal blog again. My comp zonked out and all the bookmarked pages were lost. Thanks.

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome. I've missed blogging.

  3. I envy you that on being able to grow veggies and all, we cant do that here in the desert, not with the burning hot temp, and cemented if not sandy surroundings.

    1. Can you do potted indoor plants? I have a Calamansi that grows indoors.

  4. Would love to see photos of your garden...:) good to see you again.

    1. Hi Cel, I will be posting some garden photos. Great to hear from you too.
