Slowly, Washington, DC is beginning to look like Christmas.
It's also that time when the weather is at a strange phase. You have to gauge the temperature if you need a thick coat or a regular coat for the day. Or, you'll end up sweating in a thick coat or shivering in a regular coat. Go figure! I've learned a long time ago to dress in layers and just take off the layers to adjust to the fluctuating DC temps. Funny thing about layers? You'll end up coming home with a bunch of clothes when it gets too warm. You can't win in this situation.
Anyway, below are a few photos I've taken during my morning and lunch walks. I've been trying to get my 10,000 steps each day, so I spend at least 30 minutes of my lunch hour walking/exploring. Twelve years of working in this city and I've barely scratched the surface. I'd like to think that there's more to DC than politics and lobbyists. I really hope I'm right.
A few steps from my office is the DC Center's gigantic Christmas Tree. I pass through here every morning from the train station to my office. |
City Center is known for its 35 world class shops. I just stroll and window shop here. It's pretty with their Christmas decorations. In front of Louis Vuitton is the other expensive bag - Hermes. There are special police guards patrolling the area throughout the day (see the person in blue vest staring at me as I was taking this photo).
Two giant Nutcrackers guarding the entrance to Old Ebbitt Grill, Washington's oldest saloon. |
I took this photo at the Christmas Market near Chinatown. |
We've decorated the house. As I've mentioned in my previous post, I'm having a Christmas lunch with a few of my high school classmates this Saturday, so it's just timely to get the house ready for guests and the holidays.
The fireplace is ready for Christmas. I can't wait to get the fire going ,warm up with a cup of tea, and cuddle with a good book. Too bad I haven't been reading a lot this year, so I am looking forward to my Christmas break. |
It melts my heart when I see this sight in the mornings. Daisy snuggled beside the Christmas Tree. |
Taken on the evening we decorated the tree. Daisy and I just sat down on the floor and stared at the tree because we're both crazy for Christmas Trees. |
Daisy is getting old; she's now 18. Her vet says that she's doing well for her age, but she's been sick a lot. This week, she's suffering from another ear infection. She's also been sleeping a lot, and I really miss the days when she had more energy. However, I do understand that dogs have a short lifespan, and Daisy has brought so much happiness to me and my family. She's given us her love unconditionally. Now that she's old, she needs all the love and care she deserves. I got your back buddy.
How about you? Are you ready for Christmas yet? I'd like to think I am but deep within I'm not.